Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Clearing the Decks

I'm currently in a process of tidying things up, decluttering my life (physically, but mostly temporally), and generally clearing the decks. Hopefully once that's done normal blogging may resume - it's been unsatisfactory for rather too long.

In the meantime, continue talking amongst yourselves...

#17: "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang over the Moon", by Frank Cottrell-Boyce (a book for Funsize)

Friday, September 06, 2024

Day 250: Update on Goals

Another update on goals, again with almost nothing on the blog since the last one...

  • Books: By this point I should have read 20.5 books. I'm now well behind that target - having got back on track, I promptly got bogged down in a fantasy doorstop novel that I just couldn't face and so lost several weeks.
  • Blogging: By this point I should have posted about 82 times here. I've long since admitted defeat on this one.
  • Redecoration: Since the last update we have re-repainted the study and replaced the carpet in that room. That wasn't part of the stated goal here, but it was definitely a good job to have done. I'm now happy to declare this goal complete.
  • Complete my Campaign: The campaign has come to a successful conclusion. This goal is therefore complete.
  • Update the Church Website: No update since last time.

That's now two goals having reached completion, one that is well behind target (and unlikely to be completed successfully), and one that has long-since been accepted as failed. The fifth and final goal needs some attention - it will probably be the difference between a 60% passing marking and 40% abject failure for the year.

I'm going to need to think carefully about goals for next year - whether to set any at all, but also what they should be. The redecoration of the house has now reached a stage that it is essentially complete (ideally, the remaining rooms could do with more than just a lick of paint), while both the Book and Blogging goals seem to be lost causes. We'll see.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Experimental Coolery 2024: Fruit Tacos

As the father of two young children, it is of course my duty to wind them up with all sorts of nonsense and japes. So it was with huge amusement that I was able to launch a successful double bluff: I spent the day telling them we were having tacos for dessert, secure in the knowledge that they'd think I was joking, only to roll these out at the key time. Huzzah!

The basic idea for these came from the Tesco magazine, but they're really simple enough that they barely warrant a recipe - take some warmed taco shells, add some chocolate spread, ice cream, fruit, and various toppings. Then eat them.

These were a triumph. Not only will we definitely have them again, Funsize has already insisted on having them again. So that's a win.

#15: "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and the Race Against Time", by Frank Cottrell-Boyce (a book for Funsize)
#16: "Surrounded by Idiots", by Thomas Erikson

Friday, August 09, 2024

Experimental Cookery 2024: Smoky Sausage Skewers with Tomato Rice

Another belated experimental cookery, this one was actually cooked in the over but would have been ideal for the BQ. This one came from the Tesco magazine, but is almost certainly available in the online archive.

This one was a much more successful effort than the previous - it involved in cutting things into big chunks, placing in a bowl with a spice mix, threading on skewers (which Funsize and Surprise! enjoyed helping with), and then baking. Messy, but all rather easy.

And the results were very nice. There's no surprises here - if you like the things that go on the skewers, you'll probably like the result; if not, you won't.

We'll no doubt have these again, though possibly without the rice and probably cooked by BBQ.

Experimental Cookery 2024: Courgette and Halloumi Skewers

This is a much-belated "experimental cookery" - we had these some months ago. The method comes from Tom Kerridge's "Outdoor Cooking".

I'm always on the lookout for good things with which to expand my BBQ repertoire, and also for good vegetarian options. So the possibility of a vegetarian BBQ option was rather enticing.

Unfortunately, this one just didn't work for us at all. I think I probably did something wrong, but the bottom line is that after a big fight trying to get chunks of vegetable and cheese onto parallel skewers (which wasn't fun), and after what seemed an age on the grill, they came off and just weren't nice at all. The tastes were basically okay, but the texture was just... no.

I really can't imagine having these again, and I'm not at all inclined to try inflicting them on any guests. Very disappointing.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Day 200: Update on Goals

Oh dear. I haven't managed to update the blog since the last of these. Well, here goes...

  • Books: By this point I should have read 16.4 books. I've read 14 and a bit, so I'm about two books behind target again.
  • Blogging: By this point I should have posted 66 times here. I've long since admitted defeat on this one.
  • Redecoration: There has been no real movement on this one, but since it was in a good place I'm not too unhappy about that.
  • Complete my Campaign: The writing for the campaign is now done. Additionally, the group have defeated the pirate queen and are therefore one session away from the end. This should be done by the time of the next update.
  • Update the Church Website: No update since last time.

One goal has slipped back from last time, and one has taken a big step forward. That's not terrible, though the blog in particular is disappointing.

#13: "Empire", by Conn Iggulden
#14: "A Thousand Splendid Suns", by Khaled Hosseini

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Day 150: Update on Goals

It seems like no time since the last update, but here we are:

  • Books: By this point I should have read 12.3 books. I'm right on target, which is nice.
  • Blogging: By this point I should have posted 49 times here. It's fair to say that that hasn't happened. There is now essentially no chance of this goal being achieved this year. The other thing of note, however, is that I've taken the decision to put The Imaginarium on hiatus in the near future. My current intention is to take it to 1,000 posts, which should take it to the end of my current campaign, then add one last "placeholder" post (since Blogger seems to eat the newest post on discontinued blogs), and stop indefinitely.
  • Redecoration: Shortly after the last update we completed the outstanding work on Surprise!'s bedroom. The only thing remaining for the stated goal is to look at the insulation in Funsize's room. There has been no movement on that, nor any on reredecorating the study, but maybe for next time...
  • Complete my Campaign: The characters are now right at the edge of the unwritten segment of the campaign. Meanwhile the writing has advanced, leaving around 4,500 words and 15 areas left to be written. I hope to have completed both for the next update.
  • Update the Church Website: No update since last time.

Other than the blogging goal, things are looking pretty positive for the year as a whole, so I'm pretty happy with things. It's a shame about the blogging, but I just don't see that recovering for the rest of this year.

#9: "Promise of Blood", by Brian McClennan
#10: "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang", by Ian Fleming (a book for Funsize)
#11: "Making It So", by Sir Patrick Stewart
#12: "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Flies Again", by Frank Cottrell-Boyce (a book for Funsize)

Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Here We Go Again

A year ago I posted about the treatment being meted out to Kate Forbes in the SNP leadership contest because she is a Christian who actually dares to believe things. A year on and Humza Yousaf has proven to be a disaster and has lost his job as a consequence. The SNP need to find another new leader.

At time of writing, there are no declared candidates. There has been a lot of noise, but for the moment nobody has actually put their name forward.

And already the monstering of Kate Forbes has begun.

As with last time, the tone of that monstering is extremely important, and of extreme concern - because Kate Forbes is being decried as some horrific far-right bigot based on her having expressed what are, ultimately, some fairly mainstream Christian views.

I said before that if Kate Forbes was somehow barred from standing, or was ultimately pressurized into dropping out of the race, then I was done with both the SNP and indeed with independence - I have no interest in voting for a country where every minority is welcomed and respected except for mine.

Unfortunately, things have rather moved on since then; unless and until Yousaf's horrific Hate Crimes legislation is repealed I'm done with Scottish politics as a whole. (That's yet another example of well-meaning but atrociously-drafted legislation from Holyrood. It needs scrapped.)

But, again, if the monstering of Kate Forbes is such that she is somehow barred from standing, or she throws her hat into the ring and is then 'persuaded' to drop out, then there's no way back for the SNP. If she chooses not to run, fine; if she runs and is defeated, fine. But I'm watching them closely, and they are on their absolute last chance - get this wrong, and there's no way back for them.