Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Adherent of a Repeated Meme

When I was tagged to do this, my initial impulse was to refuse, on the grounds that I hate feeling obligated to do something. However, that's a lousy reason; a far better one might be that work is kicking my ass at the moment, so I don't really have time for such frivolities. And yet, here we are.

1. Three things that scare me:

The prospect of living for another seventy-odd years, and doing so alone.
That one day, by word or deed, I might cause someone serious harm.
And that's it, really. Isn't that enough?

2. Three people that make me laugh:

Bill Bailey
Eric Cartman

3. Three things I hate the most:

Pointless rules
Being wrong
Reality TV

4. Three things I don't understand:

RF properties

5. Three things I'm doing right now:

Trying to think of things I don't understand
Filling out this blog post (duh!)
Trying to work out why my software doesn't work

6. Three things I want to do before I die:

Get broadband internet at home
Play the bagpipes on all seven continents
Have something published

7. Three things I can do:

Write software
Play the bagpipes

8. Three ways to describe my personality:


9. Three things I can't do:

Knit (don't laugh - I was ten, and had never before encountered anything I just couldn't do before. It was a big thing for me.)
Talk to women (actually, a specific subset - those women I'm allowed to be attracted to.)
Nope, that's all. For years I couldn't tie inflated balloons, but I finally mastered that. So, those are the only two things I've put any serious effort into learning, and just gotten nowhere.

10. Three things I think you should listen to:

"Live like You Were Dying" by Tim McGraw
"Happy Boys and Girls" by Aqua (especially first thing on a Monday morning)
Almost anything by John Williams

11. Three things you should never listen to:

The Spice Girls
Take That at 3 in the morning
People who tell you not to listen to your music of choice.

12. Three things I'd like to learn:

How to bake a really really good cake
Another language
The real truth about global warming

13. Three favourite foods:

Shepherd's Pie
Ask me next week, and I'll give you a different list.

14. Three beverages I drink regularly:

Irn Bru
Fruit Juice (the type changes on a weekly basis)

15. Three shows I watched as a kid:

Neighbours (yes, it's true)
Doctor Who

16. Three people I'm tagging (to do this):

Nope. All but one of the blogs I read already has this list on it, so I'm not going to bother tagging anyone.


Anonymous said...

Well done. I assume I tagged you, and I didn't even do it by name so I'm very impressed!

Amy said...

It was me! I tagged him! (slightly offended that you have clearly stopped reading my blog, Juliet...)

Chris said...

No, it was le Welsh.

Pay more attention to yur own writing, Juliet!

Chris said...


And she seems to have told you already...

I'm sure that wasn't there before!

Anonymous said...

OH well. You did it the way I did it anyway, being as Welshy went over the top and did it in fours. Ha, ha- I win

Amy said...

Not over the top, just imaginative... ;) x