Friday, May 02, 2008

Rough weeks and cold beers

The first week back after a holiday is always rough, and this week has been no exception. But, since I don't talk about work here, I'll not tell you the tales of my trials and my triumphs of the week. I have, however, decided to build a nice arc in the back garden to celebrate them - apparently, they are all the rage in great European cities such as Paris and Barcelona and... Falkirk.

Hmm, maybe not.

Speaking of Barcelona, when I went there I partook of one of the local beers, which turned out to be especially nice. My guidebook commented that the two local beers were "Estrella Damm" and "San Miguel". Naturally, the one I had was Estrella Damm, and the one that is available in the UK is San Miguel (which may well be very nice indeed; having never tried it, I don't know).

Only it turns out that the company that make Estrella Damm have just signed an agreement to start importing their beer into the UK, the upshot of which is that I was able to purchase (and some cost, mind you) a small number of bottles of said beer when I was in Tesco last.

Perhaps when I get home I shall celebrate the weekend by drinking a cold beer in the warm sunshine of my garden, while planning my arc. I think that would be nice.


Anonymous said...

I shall join you. But I will be drinking a key lime martini, in my own back yard, and planning my rock garden. So it will be very different. But enjoy your beer...and planning your arc!

Steph/ven said...

Unfortunately, although it was dazzlingly sunny when I left the office, it was raining heavily back home. Frankly, this hardly seemed fair, but what can you do?

Oh well, it's all part of the joys of living in Scotland.

Anonymous said...

Our weather is going from one extreme to another right now, but come July we can guarantee it will be hot, hot and even hotter! From July to September it will be about 80 degrees plus a day. It's lovely, but by the time September comes, you really look forward to a snowy winter!