Monday, August 03, 2020

People are Just The Worst (again)

A few weeks ago, the internet spontaneously decided to start using the term "Karen" to refer to a particular group of unpleasant, entitled, white women. Which, of course, really sucks for anyone whose name is actually Karen, of course.

Today the show "This Morning" featured three such women, complaining that, through absolutely no fault of their own, they now find that their name has been turned into a term of abuse. Naturally, the internet reacted to this with a storm of abuse and mockery, largely centred around the notion that these women, being called Karen, are of course therefore "Karens". Because of course there could be no other reason they could possibly object to what has been done.

It is, of course, a ridiculous over-reaction to liken this to racism, systematic or otherwise. But something doesn't need to be of the same order of magnitude as racism to be wrong. And, bluntly, this is wrong.

(It's also worth noting that while using Karen as a term of abuse isn't racist, there's a rather stronger argument that it is sexist. Because you'll note that it was specifically women who were being labelled as somehow wrong. Funnily enough, men who display the same traits are, once again, just being assertive.)

#36 : "Throne of the Crescent Moon", by Saladin Ahmed
#37: "Sharpe's Skirmish", by Bernard Cornwell