Tuesday, December 31, 2024

End of Year Update on Goals

As part of the end-of-year wrap-up, here is the closing update on my goals for the year:

  • Books: The goal for this year was to read 30 books, which I have not done. I did read slightly more books than last year, and have a decent mix of books in there, but this goal was not achieved.
  • Blogging: I've come nowhere close to reaching my target of 120 posts for this year. Indeed, it was almost immediately obvious that this wasn't going to happen. One thing that did happen was that I have brought the Imaginarium to a close - there are a handful of posts scheduled to take it to 1,000 posts, but then it will be on hiatus indefinitely. It is also perhaps worth noting that I've managed to end the year hitting the nominal 10 posts for December, which is nice - it would be good if that represented a return to normal service.
  • Redecoration: This was all done except for looking into the heating and insulation for Funsize's room. Even there, our expectation is that a big part of the issue is actually that the windows need replaced. I feel that's enough to consider this one done. In addition, we replaced the carpet in the study (although Lion has managed to rip a chunk out of it), and have re-repainted the walls and replaced the curtain. So that's all good.
  • Complete my Campaign: This was all done very successfully.
  • Update the Church Website: Some of this has been done. There remains a fairly big renovation needing completion.

So that's two goals completed, and three failed. That's not a good showing, but also not a huge surprise. But, also, given how much else was in this year, I'm not terribly disappointed.

In terms of goals for next year, a big theme is "enough is enough". There are things that I've been dissatisfied with for quite some time, and some tasks I've been putting off, and it's time to actually address them. So...

  • Books: The target is the same as this year: 30 books.
  • Weight: After having dropped this for several years, this one is very much back on the agenda. The target is to drop at least 20 pounds by the end of 2025. Which will still leave me too heavy, but at least it will be progress towards the ultimate goal.
  • Career: I'm now very much into the second half of my career, and am starting to see something of a vision for how I want it to be. Since work is one of the things I don't talk about here, I'm not going to say any more than that, but there's a goal I have in mind here, that can play out one of two ways.
  • Church Website: I want to get the renovation done.
  • Redecoration: We've actually pretty much finished the redecoration of the house - only the en suite and bathroom upstairs, and the kitchen and utility room downstairs, haven't been repainted. But none of these is the goal for next year - I want to get our windows replaced.

And that's it - five stated goals, all of which represent things that I've felt have needed done for quite some time, and all of which I mean to see actioned in 2025. We'll see.

Notably, you'll see that I haven't set a Blogging goal for next year. Similarly, while I have an ongoing project to enhance our home automation, that isn't a goal for next year. In both cases, anything that gets done will be considered a bonus, with a view to maybe promoting them to proper goals in 2026, especially if completing the others has cleared the decks somewhat.

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