Monday, March 05, 2007

"Wonn! Two! Three! Three Leetle Vowels. Ah Ah Ah!"

I have been away, but behold! I have returned!

Sorry for not posting for a while. Work has been just mental lately, and since I can't even post details about it, I've been left without much time to post, or topics to post on.

Anyway, now it seems that work, thwarted in their attempt to get rid of me by my returning from France, are now considering sending me to a whole other continent! And not one of these friendly continents, either - one brought to you by the letter 'A'! Still, I may be able to avert this disaster, potentially by just not showing up in the office for a few days, and hoping they'll forget about me. It's so crazy, it just might work.


Amy said...

Oh gosh, that would mean 'Part four', wouldn't it?!
Well, I hope your plan works. Although, I'm sure ladies in the continent beginning with 'A' wo9uld love the deep Scots accent...

Chris said...

Don't almost all continents begin with the letter "A"?


In fact it is all, as you are currently in the only one (the best one!) that doesn't.

That has to go down as the worst clue ever!

Captain Ric said...

Three little vowels?

So Asia or Africa? Just a theory.

Plus, Chris, surely you mean it is all other continents?

Steph/ven said...

It was supposed to be funny, so I suppose it's not so much the worst clue ever so much as the worst joke ever. Or not - there was the one about the squirrel ballet to consider.

In other news, Blogger has now taken to talking at me in a foreign language. It's almost as if it knows...

Chris said...

I don't believe I've heard the joke about the squirrel ballet?

No on second thoughts, I don't believe I'm asking to hear it.

Fair enough, you have come a cropper on the "dead pan in print" problem, sometimes it just doesn't translate. I wring my hands in supplication for missing a joke, something I pride myself on not doing.

Now tell me the one about the squirrel!

Captain Ric said...

You fool. It's blindingly obvious! Don't ask what the squirrel ballet joke is. Just think about it. Oh the humanity. Won't someone please think of the children.

Anonymous said...

Is the squirrel thing a joke? I'm not sure it makes any sense to me. I can go back to the forum with the answers to the mystery now! Well part way. Joey will be jealous!

Steph/ven said...

It was. However, it was not the worst joke I told this weekend. Emma was distinctly unimpressed by The Drummer Joke. Although I did point out that I hadn't claimed the joke was any good.