Saturday, June 16, 2007

Orange Elixir of Joy

I have officially given up on the "not drinking Irn Bru" part of my scheme for immortality. Basically, I was feeling miserable, and found that the scales denied any difference had been made. (I suspect the scales may be lying, since I now need to wear a belt with my jeans, but never mind.)

So, anyway, last Friday I bought some Irn Bru once again, and have since been reminded just how glorious it really is. (Obviously, not the Diet Irn Bru, which is pure evil in a can. How anyone can drink it is just beyond me.)

Just thought I'd share that.


Anonymous said...

I was so confused when I first went to Scotland and found irn bru on tap there. But I got quite into irn bru and vodka... eventually

Kezzie said...


On a different note, Hurrah!!! I just knew it was the Master, ever since Mr Saxon made his appearance! How's the Doctor going to get his TARDIS back?!
Pity that Romana hasn't come back though...

Steph/ven said...

Now, I was thinking about that, wondering "how are they going to get out of this one?" when I realised that the answer is obvious.

Earlier in the episode, Jack talks about his time travel thingy (that the Doctor called a "Space Hopper"), but said it had burnt out. So, they have a time machine with them! All that needs to happen is for the Doctor to fix it, and then they can jaunt back to merry old England in time for tea, biscuits, and to thwart Mr Saxon's master (hee hee) plan.

How do they know where and when to go? Well, before it left, the TARDIS was zapped by a pulse from the sonic screwdriver. I bet that blew out the navigation systems, sending it back to its previous location and getting oit stuck there.

Now, if they're really clever, they'll end the series on a cliffhanger, with the Master defeated but the TARDIS still broken, and do the whole "what are we going to do next?" thing.

Captain Ric said...

Mmm ... irn bru

Kezzie said...

Good theories! Very well thought out! I confess to not having thought about it yet! Noo, I don't want them to kill off the master yet!!! But I am intrigued how they are going to explain how he has managed to regenerate again considering he used his last regeneration up, the body of a Traken he took over was destroyed by the daleks and then he was swallowed by the eye of harmony in another body. Wish Derek Jacobi had stayed as the Master, he's a great actor!