Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Experimental Cookery 2019: Spicy Lamb and Chickpeas

This one comes from Hugh's "Love Your Leftovers", which I picked up on a whim while in The Works recently. It's an interesting book, though I suspect the most useful bit may well be the introduction rather than the actual recipes. Still, we had roast lamb on Sunday and had a fair amount of leftover meat, so it seemed an ideal time to give this one a go.

This was a really easy recipe (spice some chickpeas, roast for a bit, add the lamb, and roast a bit more). My only issue was that I'd misjudged just how long it needed to roast for - I should have started a good bit sooner than I did.

The results were fine, though I must confess that I did find it rather monotonous. That said, LC did enjoy it rather more than I did, so maybe I'm just being fussy. I did think there were rather too many chickpeas for the amount of lamb in the recipe, and it probably did need the slaw that Hugh mentioned (but didn't include in the recipe itself).

I'm sure we'll have this again at some point, though I'm not entirely sure when - roast lamb isn't something we have terribly often, and although I'm probably going to do it again on Easter Sunday ('tis the season), I think it will be a little soon to have this again already.

And that's all there is to say about that.

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