Monday, March 25, 2019


After just over six months of effort, and two marathon sessions in the last week, I have finally finished the effort of scanning and shredding all of my old RPG notes. Which means that that entry in my To-Do list can now be removed, and my daily task list drops from seven entries back down to six. All of which is great.

My next big project is the next phase in my digital declutter, which in the first instance means going through my downloaded files and deciding which ones to keep and which to get rid of (the latter group being by far the biggest). Apparently there are about 1,500 such files, which is rather more than I had expected.

However, before that I'm going to spend a little time looking at some of the smaller items on the To Do list - notably the tasks of clearing the garage, extracting the concrete plug from the garden, and re-fixing the bedroom wardrobe. With luck, I'll be able to cross some of these off the list in fairly short order - it currently stands at six items, but if I could drive that down to four, that would be great.

But before that I'm dealing with a strange feeling of disconnection - all weekend I kept finding myself itching to go and get on with my scanning for the day, only to have to remind myself that it's done. Which was a really strange feeling, albeit an absolutely classic reaction to the end of a big project.

#13: "The Skaar Invasion", by Terry Brooks (which is okay, but I really wish I'd waited until all four books in this series were out before starting...)

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