Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Experimental Cookery 2021: Whole Masoor Dahl and Cucumber Raita

A much-delayed Experimental Cookery, we actually had this meal some weeks ago, using the final two recipes from the curry box I received as a gift.

Both of these were simple, quick, and easy to put together. I have no complaints on that front. And the cucumber raita was very successful - something we'll no doubt have again.

Alas, the dahl did not have quite the same reception. Sadly, we found it rather too bland for our tastes. That's a shame, as I am generally looking for some good vegetarian options to add to our repertoire. But this one was less successful than either the chickpea curry or the other lentil curry I had tackled before.

As a consequence of all this, I can say that the cucumber raita is certainly something we'll have again. The dahl is not, except that I have some of the ingredients left to use up. So it's likely that I'll have it twice more, just for that purpose.

Overall, I've been very happy with this meal kit - of the six recipes only one really disappointed. Granted, some of them I felt would be a bit better in different circumstances, but given that we're just heading into BBQ season that's not really a problem. That feels like a successful Christmas gift to me!

#12: "Exploring Eberron", by Keith Baker

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