Wednesday, August 25, 2021

The Irregulars

This was a series that very much intrigued me when I first saw sight of it, but that LC and I have just gotten around to watching recently. In the meantime, the series was cancelled.

Some very quick thoughts:

  • It's worth watching, in my opinion, though I can see why others may feel otherwise. Also, it's worth noting that the first episode takes a ridiculously long time to get going - that by itself may be why it was cancelled.
  • Don't look for anything remotely faithful to history, the Sherlock Holmes stories, or anythink like that. This is mostly "Beatrice the Vampire Slayer", set in Victorian times. There is one episode, and a few other flashbacks that show us Holmes and Watson doing their thing in happier times, and that's actually a highlight of the show, but it is not the point of the show.
  • The show practices colourblind casting, which is mostly a good thing, with one exception. That exception is pretty jarring, but it is also minor enough to ignore.
  • Perhaps more unfortunate is that this show indulges in my new least-favourite trope: the 21st century feminist transplanted to a historical setting. As noted, the whole environment isn't remotely faithful to history, so I'll give it a pass here, but there's another rant brewing.
  • I can entirely understand why this was cancelled. Truth be told, we'd probably not bother with a second series even if they had produced one.

And that's more or less that. If a Victorian "Beatrice the Vampire Slayer" sounds attractive, give it a watch, and do try to gut it out through those first 25 minutes or so. But otherwise, give it a pass.

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