Wednesday, November 15, 2023

The Ongoing Tragedy

The situation in Israel and Gaza is absolutely tragic, and becomes more tragic by the day. We absolutely need an immediate and indefinite end to the killing - I don't care whether you call that a 'pause', a 'ceasefire', or any other damn thing you like; I care about a stop to the killing.

Beyond that, the people of that region will have to find some way to co-exist in peace. It is not a viable solution to simply wipe out one or other of the populations. Nor is it a viable solution to relocate one or other of the populations. Israel cannot exist under the constant threat of terror attacks on all sides; that is not viable either. And neither can Gaza continue exist with the threat of huge military bombardment, up to and including a nuclear strike; that is not a viable solution.

Finding peace in Northern Ireland was bloody difficult, and the situation in the Middle East is vastly more complex. Nonetheless, some sort of lasting peace deal must be found. I have no idea what that looks like, except that it needs to exclude terror attacks and endless days of bombing as reprisals.

Alas, I think we may need a miracle, and those seem to be in perilously short supply these days.