Monday, March 05, 2007

Anthropomorphic Biscuits

On a whim, I bought a packet of Happy Faces biscuits in Tesco last week. Truly, they are the finest of biscuits. So sweet and tasty.

My favourite is the one with the sly mischievous grin. It looks at you as if to say "Go on! Eating a whole packet in one day won't kill you! And no-one need ever know! And we're so sweet. Mmm, biscuits!"

Mmm, biscuits!


Captain Ric said...

Nous sommes les biscuits!

Unfortunately, the French for biscuits looks pretty similar to the English for biscuits, so you lose some of that authentic Frenchy accent.

Surely they are the greatest biscuits, except for garibaldies.

Also, interestingly, my tendancy is to put a capital for English, but not for French, I have to go back and insert one. Weird or what?

Captain Ric said...

Est tu un biscuit?