Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Blue Skies

For the first time in I forget how long, the horizon is clear.

This afternoon, after spending several days we couldn't afford tracking a really nasty issue that evaded my best efforts to debug, I finally spotted the cause of the problem. Now, normally with bugs of that type, the best we can hope for is to put in patch that we think will get rid of the problem, and hope that it doesn't show up again. This is never fully satisfying, but is sometimes necessary. However, with this bug on this day, I spotted what I know is the cause, and implemented a fix that I know will correct the problem.

Which is fantastic.

And, for the moment at least, this reflects life generally. I'm experiencing a general and deep contentment about things that has evaded me for a long, long time. Finally, at long last, things are right with the world.

It won't last, of course. It never does. There will be new problems around the corner. But for now, at this time, life is good.

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