Monday, May 04, 2020

Theme of the Month: Quiet

One of the features of April is that it includes both our wedding anniversary and LC's birthday. Many years it also includes Easter, and it includes the schools' Easter holidays. So Easter can be a rather hectic month!

Of course, this year was complicated a little further by the start of lockdown in March, which then continued into April. This took quite a while to settle down, which made for an even busier month than normal.

So the theme I'm hoping to set for May is simply "Quiet". My hope is that it won't be a month of huge transitions (except maybe back towards 'normal'), while it is also unlikely to involve many celebrations or events. Alas, the gala days that should have started thing month have, of course, been cancelled or deferred until later.

That's the plan, at least. Cue the entire situation being turned on its head once again!

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