Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Practice Resumes

My band finally had our first face-to-face practice back last week, after around eighteen months away. I was pleasantly surprised on two counts: there were twice as many people present as I'd expected (all pipers, though), and it seemed the band hadn't lost just as much over the time away as I had feared. An uncharitable person would note that we didn't have a great standard to slip away from, and relative to even the weakest competing bands there's a lot of truth in that, but then there's a good reason why I'm no longer with a competing band - and the lack of stress and pressure is a huge part of that.

Hopefully, this now marks a permanent return to practices. Also, over the next few weeks we'll hopefully be able to get the bagpipes themselves going (rather than just practice chanters), and we may even start taking on some actually performances - of which the Christmas lights switch-on will be the first.

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