Monday, February 28, 2022

The Return of Lent

Due to Covid, and the various stresses of life, I have skipped Lent for the previous two years. Now that things seem to be settling a bit, I've decided that this year it is time to give it a go again.

Of course, the notion of Lent is that one should give something up, and that that something should necessarily hurt, at least a little - it is, after all, supposed to be a sacrifice. So a few years ago I concluded that the thing to give up was coffee. As of Wednesday, therefore, that will be cut for a few weeks.

Unless it turns out to be impossible to stick to that. But then, I managed to give up on Irn Bru for a good long time, so it should be okay. I think.

#9: "Sea Lord", by Bernard Cornwell

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