The first season of Picard was okay, but not great. The main thing it had going for it was that it showed some of the ragged edges of the Star Trek universe, which was something of a boon for gamers. Ultimately, though, it was building to the death of the titular character, and would have made for a good send off for Picard... except that they renewed it and resurrected him.
The second season starts really well, being a massive and immediate step up. And then it proceeds to go badly off the rails, squandering its potential, filling whole episodes with almost nothing, and messing up the lore of the show.
There's more I could add, but I'm disinclined to go into spoilers. Suffice to say, the best scene in the latter section of the show is the stealth cameo on the bus. Which isn't a good look.
Perhaps unfortunately, despite all this I do intend to watch the third and final season. Partly because it is the last, and partly because we're getting a chance to catch up with the whole of the Next Generation crew - with a bit of luck this will be their "Undiscovered Country" in the way that "Nemesis" massively failed to be.
But, unfortunately, I'm now at a point that my recommendation for "Picard" as a whole for people who haven't started is to avoid.
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