Saturday, December 23, 2023

Bad Boys For Life

This is a rather belated review, but I finally got around to watching this film. I consider "Bad Boys" to be one of Michael Bay's few decent films, and at the time I considered "Bad Boys 2" to be pretty much the last decent action film (though it has aged really badly, and there have been some better ones since).

"Bad Boys for Life" is one of the belated sequels that I tend not to like, but it's actually not all that bad - it mixes many of the things I liked about the previous two with some new stuff that is actually worthwhile, the action scenes are handled well (and the car chases rather better than BB2), so it's fine.

It's certainly not classic cinema, though! Basically, if you liked the first two, you'll probably like this one. If not, you won't. And if you're looking for something suitably brainless, this is a decent candidate.

And that's that. Hopefully, I'll watch a film that's genuinely good next!

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