Tuesday, June 06, 2006

SPA Update

As many of my loyal readers know, I am the founder and member of the Society for the Prevention of Acronyms (SPA for short). Our mandate is to prevent the proliferation of acronyms in the world by ranting inanely on the internet. It has been a while since I updated anyone on the latest antics of the SPA, so felt the time to do so had come.

Recently, the SPA had a great success. Through our lobbying efforts, the British Union of Red Parakeets were persuaded that their name was already sufficiently ridiculous, and that therefore there was no need to adopt an acronym. Huzzah!

However, not all our efforts have met with success. I must report failure in the effort to prevent the Clowns Against Rivers, Ninja And Green Envelopes adopting their new name. Indeed, tensions came to a head at a recent demonstration by the SPA, and indeed the outcome of the ill-tempered confrontation can only be described as... chaotic.

Finally, there has recently been a motion within the SPA to expand our mandate to stand against the scourge of spling misteaks. However, the motion to this effect was defeated on two grounds. The first was that SPASAM was considered to have less of a 'kick' to it that our previous name, but it was also noted that this change would require us to take a moral stand against our own membership, which would probably detract from the focus on the core mission of the SPA. The poll of our member showed an impressive 70% in favour of retaining the original name and mission of the SPA.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, I've moved to 'andthentherewaschocolate.blogpsot.com'
