Thursday, January 18, 2007

Will this week never end?

Is it just me, or has this week just dragged interminably? It never seems to end! On and on and on it goes!

Why can't it be Friday already?


Chris M said...

I fell asleep for a second or 2 on the train today, and when I woke, I thought, oh yes! Its good to be home. When alas, I realised it was morning, and I was going into work.

Now that's depressing.

Amy said...

It has dragged, hasn't it?! I wonder why we all feel this way... hmmm. Curious.

Anonymous said...

Same. Although I had exams so I know exactly why this week has dragged on so much.

There has been no point this week at which I could have spontaneously told you what day it was, largely, I think , because a group of us went into uni together on Sunday to do some revision and this got me all out of sync.

Oh well, it's Friday evening now. A nice evening of translating the worst-written text in history awaits me. Oh the joys! Roll on Strasbourg!