Friday, February 20, 2009

Curtains for our hero...

Well, I have just picked up the keys to my new secret lair, and been over to visit it. It's quite nice.

As an added bonus, I found that the previous owner has left behind the various curtains in the apartment. This was unexpected, but represents a fairly large boon, as it obviously means I don't need to go and spend money on that. Score one for the good guys.

Although, it's going to be strange having curtains once again. I wonder if I'll remember how they work?

As another added bonus, the previous owner also left behind not one but two wardrobes in the two bedrooms that had been in use. What's more, these aren't big MANsize wardrobes, like any sane person would have, but rather gargantuan WOMANsize wardrobes, fit for the truly insane. I'm entirely convinced there may be fantasy worlds hiding in one of both of these, although I may have to invest in some fur coats in order to access these lands. (Fantasy worlds are hidden in wardrobes behind the fur coats, you see.)

So, score two for the good guys. Also, the Pink Room is now the Purple room, so I won't even have to repaint that! All in all, it's going quite well.


Anonymous said...

Ooh, how exciting! I will look forward to visiting someday! May I suggest you don't allow any of our cousins to explore the fantasy worlds in your wardrobes- they broke a wardrobe when we were at Guy's doing that very thing...

M said...

You mean you didn't want a pink room? Why not??!!

Captain Ric said...

It's quite nice. Except for the purple room. It's still a girly colour.