Wednesday, August 08, 2018

The Last Jedi Revisited

I watched "The Last Jedi" for the third time last night, and unfortunately I don't think it holds up at all well. As with "The Force Awakens", each time I see it I am less impressed with the film, and more annoyed by its flaws. (And it really doesn't help that the film starts with the terrible "holding for General Hugs" gag. Three times in that film Hux fails to just shoot someone, with disastrous results every time.)

The upshot is that I'm going to have to downgrade the film: I enjoy it considerably less than "The Force Awakens". Indeed, I'm pondering whether to drop it below even "The Phantom Menace" in my ranking!

Also, I now find myself, probably for the first time, not really looking forward to the next Star Wars film. TFA was enough to make me excited for RO, and I really enjoyed RO and so was very much looking forward to TLJ. But TLJ was a let-down, and then Solo was mediocre at best, and so now I'm not all that bothered. Which is an odd experience - even in the depths of disappointment following AotC, I was still looking forward to RotS, partly in the hope that Lucas would finally get it right, and partly due to the influence of the "Clone Wars" series (the first one, that is).

Currently, my order for Star Wars films is:

  1. Star Wars (the original)
  2. The Empire Strikes Back
  3. Return of the Jedi
  4. Rogue One
  5. The Force Awakens
  6. Solo (this may change when I see it again)
  7. The Last Jedi
  8. The Phantom Menace (controversial, I know, but for me it's the least-worst of the prequels)
  9. Revenge of the Sith
  10. Attack of the Clones

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