Friday, August 31, 2018

When Temporary Solutions Become Permanent

Our kitchen is increasingly a source of vexation to me. The issue fundamentally comes down to something I talked about before in "The Lasagne Principle" - we've filled every available space with stuff, much of which never gets used and therefore just takes up space; space that is much needed for other things.

The main reason we've gotten into this position is that when we moved in we needed to get the house into a livable state as soon as was possible. And so the kitchen layout is very much a temporary solution. Unfortunately, the reality of the last year has now largely set in - that temporary solution (like most of the rest) has become permanent.

(The sad reality is that in the past year I've barely touched the "to do" list I worked out after we moved in - once the low hanging fruit were picked it just came to a halt. My inclination in the near future is to simply delete that list entirely, leave it for a while, and then construct a new to do list on a per-room rather than per-task basis. That probably won't actually help, but may make me feel better!)

On the other hand, I do have a little free time tomorrow morning. That might be a good time to fix some of this... or it might not - the risk with something like this is that half the job gets done, creating a mess, and then it has to be abandoned due to pressure of time. And it's not really a job that lends itself to a piecemeal solution. Plus, there are other things that I'd much rather do, including "nothing at all".

1 comment:

Kezzie said...

Yeh, I know the feeling! I was meant to sort the house out this Summer- didn't happen!