Monday, April 01, 2019

An Issue With Lent

For the past several years, including last year, I've been in the habit of giving up Irn Bru (and other 'sugar waters') for Lent. This had the key advantage of being a nice, obvious thing for me to give up, and also being suitably difficult to represent a real (if symbolic) 'sacrifice'. This year there is an obvious problem with that - I've had to give up Irn Bru anyway (due to the recipe change), and just don't have the same connection to Coke and other substitutes.

This year for Lent I've given up chocolate and chips. At the time, that seemed like a reasonable thing to do, but the effect has been largely trivial - I don't eat much chocolate at the best of times, so giving it up wasn't exactly hard, while dropping chips was likewise not a huge change (for the same reason). The upshot is that Lent has been pretty much a non-event this year, which renders it rather pointless.

The net effect of that is that next year I'll need to do something different to return the season to having some sort of meaning. It needs to be something easily understandable and also hard enough to notice.

There's nothing for it; it will have to be coffee.

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