Monday, January 18, 2021

Experimental Cookery 2021: Roast Tikka Chicken

The first experimental cookery of 2021 comes from Jamie's "5 Ingredients" - a book that I've had for a while and like a great deal in theory, but haven't found much opportunity to actually use. This was one that he cooked in the accompanying show and that we've thought for a while that we'd like to try but have never quite gotten around to until now.

In terms of preparation it's actually hard to see how this could be any easier, although it is somewhat messy - roughly cut up a few things, rub the tikka paste on the chicken, and then cook. (I should note that I omitted the cauliflower from the dish - LC doesn't eat it and I can't, so there didn't seem much point.)

Once cooked, it was a simple matter of carving the bird and then eating. And it was about as good as we'd expected - nice spicy potatoes, nice chicken... basically, it was nice. I have no doubt that we'll have this again, though I'm not entirely sure when.

And that's about that, really. Except for one more note: Jamie said to cook for an hour, but I ignored that. Instead, I followed the guidance on the chicken itself, which said 40 mins per kilo plus 20 mins. Since the bird we had was a little larger than in the book, I figured that made sense.

#3: "Tasha's Cauldron of Everything", from Wizards of the Coast

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