Thursday, February 07, 2019

Minor Gripes

We seem to have successfully standardised onto USB as the means of powering/charging a wide variety of small electronics (phones, etc). This is a good thing. Why is it, though, that we've not yet managed to choose one of about half a dozen types of USB connector as the standard port? Such that when you need to charge a device you inevitably find every type of cable within reach except the one that you actually need?

Why is it that some people insist on driving at a constant 40 miles per hour, regardless of road conditions or, indeed, the speed limit? Thus infuriating everyone else on the road who actually has somewhere to go and failing to drive safely in those places where the limit is lower.

Why can't we settle on a consistent set of rules for airport security? It's bad enough that those rules vary from place to place, or even from shift to shift, but yesterday I watched as the three lanes all had different rules at the same time - one group had to take all footwear off, one only had to take trainers off, and the third didn't have to take any footwear off. Surely, if there really is a meaningful threat from people wearing shoes (spoiler: there isn't), everyone should be required to remove their shoes in every airport, all the time? One set of rules, please!

And speaking of flights, why do some people think it's acceptable to get thoroughly drunk and then board a plane? You wouldn't like to be locked in a small space with a loud, obnoxious, and quite possibly abusive person, so why inflict that on other people. And, no, you're not as different as you think. Maybe we should start breathalysing people before they're allowed to board.

Anyway, that's all for now. I feel slightly better.

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