Monday, February 04, 2019

Some TV

For Christmas I received, amongst other things, the second season of "Supergirl" on blu-ray, which I finished watching on Friday. The first season started reasonably brightly, dragged for a bit, and then improved a great deal. The second season, sadly, did not really match this trajectory - it started brightly, dragged for a bit... then dragged for a bit more and then ended.

A shame. But it does let me skip out on the third and subsequent series.

Likewise, LC and I have been watching the fourth and final series of "Rebels", which I also received for Christmas. This one started quite slowly, ran slowly for quite a long time, and then ended with a phenomenal run of episodes that really showcased everything that was good about the show. The last episode, in particular, was outstanding (though it probably doesn't work by itself). Anyway, that was good.

Finally, I spent some time yesterday watching "Brexit: An Uncivil War", which was horribly watchable. That one is definitely worth a watch if you have the time - but be aware that it's likely to leave you both absolutely furious and rather depressed by the time it's done. (Also, I think it's important to note that while the show mostly focusses on the cavalcade of monsters in the Leave campaigns, it does rightly point out that the Remain campaigns were characterised by utter uselessness - they frankly didn't deserve to win either. Recognising that was definitely to the show's credit.)

Next up will be "Little Drummer Girl", which I expect to watch over the next two weekends (LC has opted out); "Watership Down", which I've heard isn't the best, but which we recorded so I do want to watch; and "Les Miserables", which we've been holding off on until it was done so we could in quick succession. Also, Channel 4 are now advertising that they have the whole of "30 Rock" available, so that might be being added to the slate soon too.

#4: "The Business", by Iain Banks

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