Friday, January 31, 2020

A Black Day

Today was never going to be a good day. Even at its best Brexit was never going to be a good thing, and in delivering it in the manner they have the Tories, under both May and Johnson, have unleashed all the worst impulses of this country. It is an entirely self-inflicted wound that represents a tragic dimunition of the UK on the world stage.

But there was always one slight hope: with the horrors of Brexit unveiled, at least the need for Scottish independence was becoming clear. And, indeed, the most recent poll showed that a majority of Scots now backed independence. So when Nicola Sturgeon let is be known that she was going to make an announcement on the subject, there was at least some hope - maybe she was finally ready to grasp the thistle and go for a referendum.

But, no. One utterly underwhelming announcement later and... the dream is dead. Scotland will not be independent in the foreseeable future, and maybe not ever. We're done.

And with that, I think I've now voted in my last election. If the SNP don't stand for independence, they don't stand for anything useful; I won't vote Green for a few reasons that I won't discuss here; and every other party sits some distance under "Don't Vote" in my ordered list of preferences.

So, a black day indeed. EU membership, gone; the dream of independence, gone; and democracy dead to me, all in the space of 24 hours.

1 comment:

Kezzie said...

It all sucks!