Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Experimental Cookery 2020: Classic Turkey Burgers

This one comes from "The Handcrafted Burger", which is a book LC bought me for my birthday last year and which I've never quite managed to use until now. My previous effort at turkey burgers is one of my major cookery disasters, so I was somewhat apprehensive about these, but also hopeful that they'd turn out better.

The short answer is: they did. These were simple and easy to put together, although I remained a little apprehensive about the amount of moisture in the burgers. But they cooked up really well. At least these ones looked like turkey burgers!

Taste-wise, they were pretty good. I think in future I'll want to reduce the amount of lemon juice significantly, as they was by far the dominant flavour, but otherwise I have no complaints. And I'll certainly be having these again. (That said, I don't think these are ones to batch prepare, as in the case of the beef, lamb, or venison burgers we have. I'll see when we cook up the spares, but my gut feeling is that these are best prepared and eaten right away.)

And that's that. I'm actually in a bit of a vein of new meals - there will be another Experimental Cookery tonight, so expect another update soon. Hopefully, I'll find something else to blog about before too long.

#3: "The Next Person You Meet in Heaven", by Mitch Albom (an early contender for Book of the Year, though my feeling is that if this is the peak then it probably means 2020 is not a banner year for reading. It was really good, but not that good.)

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