Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Fiat Lux

I have run into an unexpected issue with working from home. When we began, we were just leaving th winter months behind, which meant that I was starting my day just after dawn and finishing up while it was still light. Over the last month or so, however, that has shifted - I now start before daylight, and then finish just as it's getting really dark - and it's never really getting all that light anyway.

The upshot of that is that I'm a lot more reliant on artificial lighting than was previously the case and, sad to say, the lights in the study just don't cut it. Worse, the nature of the light fitting in that room does not lend itself readily to swapping in brighter bulbs, and so the light I've got is, unfortunaely, about the limit.

For the moment, my workaround will be to pull in a standing lamp. This isn't ideal, especially since we kinda need that lamp in another room as well, but it's probably better than nothing. However, it does mean that as we head towards the shortest days I'm more and more going to be on the lookout for a better solution.

#52: "I Know This Much Is True", by Wally Lamb (a book from The List)

1 comment:

Kezzie said...

Ah, that's annoying! And you're in Scotland so it is worse than down saaaauth! We have a really good bright lamp that we bought in John Lewis a couple of years ago that really adds extra light which my husband seems obsessed with. I don't seem to notice dim probably damaging my eyes!
By the way, I was trying to play those awful Lidl bagpipes to my children today in my music lesson as I was introducing them to the bagpipes and it made me think of you!