Due to the pandemic Halloween was of course rather different this year. Rather than just having the kids miss out completely, our estate organised a suitably distanced affair - those houses that wanted to be involved decorated the outside of the houses, put up a pumpkin sign in the window, and then left sweets outside to be collected.
Funsize dressed up as a butterfly, although the effect was lessened somewhat by needing a jacket over her costume. We then walked around the estate observing all the various decorations, and making the customary collection.
It was fine. In fact, if I'm honest I think I prefer it this way - I'm not a huge fan of Halloween in general, so being able to boil it down the essentials and to remove the need to answer the door was a definite boon for me.
So that one is no great loss. Bonfire Night will be much more of a loss, of course, with all the organised events being cancelled. On the other hand, Bonfire Night is frankly rather problematic, so maybe that's for the best, too.
That leaves Christmas, of course. Unfortunately, I can't see any possibility of it being even remotely normal this year (and, frankly, it shouldn't be - the pandemic just isn't going to go away in the next eight weeks). But that's a topic for another post...
#50: "Fire and Blood", by George R.R. Martin
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