Thursday, December 31, 2020

End of Year Update on Goals

At the end of last year I set myself four goals. At the end of the year, then, it's time to look back:

  • Books: I completed this goal with a little over a week to go. I'm also now digging in to the last 20 books on The List, which is a bit of a mixed blessing - it will be good to be done, but on the other hand I'm getting increasingly short of reading material. The full list of books will come in another post. 
  • Weight: This goal looked to be going okay and then took a major turn for the worse. I'm now losing weight, but doing so having gained too much in lockdown. The upshot is that I've actually gone backwards this year.
  • Blogging: This goal is not quite complete, but only because there is one more post scheduled for this blog later today. I have posted 60 times on the Imaginarium, and this is post 119 here, and so this goal is, or rather will be, complete.
  • Work: This goal was thoroughly derailed by Covid-19, though I'm not certain it was ever really realistic. I'm also inclined to think it's out of reach for 2021 too, though for other reasons. All of which is fairly disappointing.

So, two completed and two failed. Not a great showing. Still, given the general awfulness of 2020, I think that can be understood.

I'm not going to set any goals for 2021. In truth, the reading, blogging, and weight loss goals would just have carried over, with one more that will be needed anyway, so it wouldn't exactly have been an inspired list. I'm even considering just abandoning the practice as not being terribly helpful, since if it's just the same set every time then what is the point? But that's a question for late 2021.

And that's that. A somewhat downbeat note on which to come to the end of the year, but given the nature of the year it could have been much worse.

#61: "The Pillars of the Earth", by Ken Follett (a book from The List - nineteen to go)

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