Friday, December 04, 2020

Jack Ryan

My experience with Tom Clancy's hero is somewhat mixed - I've read one of the novels but didn't like it, I've seen all but one of the films and liked three of them, and I've now seen both seasons of the Amazon Prime series. I very much enjoyed the first season, which felt like it had the makings of a decent "24" replacement.

But the second season was a disappointment - all through it I was waiting for a big twist, such that it turned out that the obvious evil bad guy wasn't actually the bad guy... and it just never happened.

So the 50% hit rate seems to be holding up. Given that "Shadow Recruit" is also available on Prime, I'll probably find time to watch that in the next few weeks, for completeness if nothing else. And I'll watch season three of the series if it ever materialises (naturally, with the events of this year, everything is much more uncertain than it once was).

I'm not sure if that's a recommendation or not. Guess you'll just have to see for yourself. (I would give the trailer a go. That gives a pretty good idea of what it's about, without too many spoilers. So pretty much does what a trailer is supposed to do.)

#58: "Sharpe's Christmas", by Bernard Cornwell

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