Monday, June 21, 2021

The First Hurdle Cleared

Now that we have been moved to Covid Level 1, it is just barely possible for us to host a family gathering - we're allowed twelve adults outdoors, which means the birthday barbecue is basically ideal. Weather and delta variant permitting, we'll be able to gather for the first time since August. Which is rather nice.

That said, the journey has already been something of an adventure. It started with the meal planning - as I've mentioned before I like the notion of having a small number of foundation items along with a few elaborations, but with it being so long I thought I might go for something a little more involved this time... and I have some very interesting things to debut.

But this past weekend we hit a major hurdle. Our gas canister was nearing its end, and finally reached the end on Friday. This is actually a good thing, as we were in that awkward twilight area where there was some gas but not enough - leaving a judgment call over whether to replace it, get a second canister, or gamble. Better to be sure.

So on Saturday we went to B&Q to get a refill... and only then discovered that there is a major shortage at the moment! Disaster.

That of course prompted a lot of phoning around to try to find stock, as well as looking at other options, including but not limited to replacing the whole BBQ with a charcoal one, hiring in a BBQ and/or gas supply, or just getting takeaway instead.

But, luckily, there's no need - I've been able to find a stockist with actual, well, stock. And so we're now back on track... weather and delta variant permitting.

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