Friday, October 19, 2018

The System Shatters!

As we know, you've got to have a system. And, per my system, there is a time assigned for switching from my summer jacket to my winter jacket (and vice versa), and it's when the clocks change. (By rights the clocks shouldn't change, and we should be on GMT all year around - British Summer Time is, frankly, an abomination. But since we're collectively determined to have all our clocks actively lie to us for two-thirds of the year, I've decided to get something useful out of it.)

Anyway, with the impending reversion of the clocks to Actual Time, I was rather looking forward to bringing my winter jacket back into use, and retiring my summer jacket.

Alas, with one week to go, one of the zippers on one of the pockets of the summer jacket has broken!

This is, of course, a total disaster. It means that I'll have to bring my winter jacket into operation a week early, which means inflicting on it the indignity of Liar Time until the clocks change next week.

(It also means that the summer jacket will need to be retired permanently. But given that I actually thought I'd done that last year, and so was surprised to find it ready and waiting for me this spring, I'm not too disappointed. But if I find it returned and ready to go again next year, I may not be quite so sanguine.)

Anyway, that's the level of disaster that has dogged this week from start to finish. Truly, it has been a dark time.

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