Tuesday, July 23, 2019

End of an (Ice) Age

When I first moved into the flat in Yeovil, way back at the start of Part Two, one of the very first things I purchased was, of course, a fridge freezer. That fridge then came with me back up the road to the first flat in Falkirk, where it spent three years tucked away in the kitchen. (That also marked the start of my pioneering two-fridge approach!) It came with me to the second flat in Falkirk, where the two-fridge approach continued, and then came with us to the house in Livingston, where not only do we have two fridges, but we have two freezers also!

However, during the most recent house move it became very apparent that the fridge was coming to the end of its useful life - it has been making odd and disturbing noises for quite some time, and the back of the fridge was absolutely manky. Over the last few months, the secondary fridge (that came with the house) has also started to groan ominously.

And so we find ourselves coming to the end of an age - it is getting towards time to finally retire and replace the fridge that has done me good service lo these thirteen long years. At the same time, we'll likewise retire the secondary fridge, and return to a more primitive one-fridged lifestyle. (That said, I have my eye on a huge fridge freezer to replace all the existing units and increase our storage space. Plus, the new one is considerably more efficient, which is always a good thing. Ironically, keeping all these things cool is probably our #2 contribution to global warming (after driving).)

Anyway, it's not quite certain yet - we'll need to measure the space into which the new fridge is to live, to make sure it will actually fit without being an impossible disruption; there's been a small issue with the financing of the purchase (barely worth mentioning); and there's the general hassle of actually making the purchase, getting it installed, etc.

Of course, the other big advantage of going to a one-fridge solution is that it frees up a spot right next to the sink, which is ideally suited for adding a dishwasher. Huzzah! (And if we also retire the extra freezer, that then creates a spot that could be used for almost anything...) But that's a consideration for another day...

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