Monday, July 01, 2019

Toy Story 4

There are few films I've been more apprehensive to see than this one. The "Toy Story" trilogy is of such a high standard, and the ending is so perfect, that adding a fourth film seemed like a recipe for disaster. Plus, the fourth film in any series is almost bound to suck: see "The Phantom Menace", "Superman IV", "Batman and Robin", "X-Men Origins: Wolverine", "Star Trek V" (an odd one that - after the very first film they effectively rebooted the series with "Wrath of Khan"), "Star Trek: Nemesis", "Lethal Weapon 4"...

However, it's not like I wasn't going to see the film, so we went yesterday.

It's okay. Though the Guardian's Peter Bradshaw pretty much nailed it with the comment that "Having done so many things unimaginably better than so many other movie franchises, it’s fitting that the Toy Story series now gives us a classier, superior kind of anticlimax."

Basically, this film is exactly what you would probably expect: a bunch of our heroes get lost and have to find their way home. Along the way they make some new friends, have a wacky adventure, and dispense some life lessons. It's all good... but very little of it is new. And the one genuinely new and interesting idea in the film comes in the form of a decidely unappealing character - if you've seen the trailer, you'll know the one.

I also felt that the ending somehow managed both to lack the emotional punch of the previous film and didn't really sit right with the dynamic of everything that had gone before.

I probably come across as being more negative about the film than I really am. I enjoyed it for what it was, and it's important to recognise both that it wasn't the awfulness of many of the films I listed above, nor did it in any way diminish the series to date.

It's just that, on balance, maybe it would have been better if they hadn't made it?

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