Friday, July 26, 2019


We had the broken washing machine collected yesterday, meaning that the task of clearing the garage is now complete. It has only taken two years, but it's done!

In other news, we managed to get LC's car fixed yesterday, which means we don't have quite the same need for having the garage cleared as we did about a week ago. Still, it's good to know we at least have the option of getting a car in there if we need to.

One of my tasks for the weekend, then, is to put the rest of the things that were in the garage back into the garage, and also to rearrange the garage somewhat so that things that can be stored on the shelves are stored on the shelves - that way, if we ever do need to put a car in again it won't be quite such a challenge.

(I'm also now inclined to accept the wisdom of LC's argument that we should probably invest in a small shed, and store things like the lawnmower in that rather than in the garage. But don't tell LC that...)

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