Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Admitting Defeat

Over the past several weeks, I've spent a reasonable amount of time searching for a kit of parts with which to fix our damaged wardrobe. WIth such a kit, the fix would be near-trivial, but without it it will be excessively difficult.

Although I've found several options that are reasonably close, in every case they've been close but not close enough. The parts that need replaced appear to be of a non-standard size, and therefore the parts that I've been able to find have invariably been just too big either to fit in the available space or to interface with the other components.

The upshot of this is that I've decided to admit defeat on this repair task. When I get a chance I'll reinstall the damaged lower runner, mostly because it's needed to fill some space, remove the other broken part entirely, and call it a day at that. In the unlikely event that we happen upon matching parts (or if it suddenly turns out that our neighbours get rid of their identical wardrobes) I'll take action then, but otherwise I'm calling it a loss.

And with that I'm bringing the To Do List to a conclusion. There is one job remaining (painting the study), but as discussed previously this will be considered a goal in its own right. And there is one other job that needs done again (mounting the pin board), but I'm not going to maintain a list just for that!

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