Monday, August 26, 2019


While all the madness of Brexit is going on, something really important is happening in US politics. I don't mean Trump's ridiculous notion of buying Greenland, or his petulant response when told that it's a ridiculous notion, but rather the ongoing Democrat primaries. That is, the process by which they select their candidate to go up against Trump in the upcoming election.

Or, as it appears, their selection of a candidate to lose to Trump in the upcoming election.

Unfortunately, the Democrats seem to be fighting this primary as if it were for any other election: a whole bunch of candidates have come forward, many of whom are complete unknowns and will rapidly drop out, most of the rest are offering tired variations on the same old policies that lost last time, and then there's one outlier who has a small but vocal online support... but who ultimately has no more chance of winning than Rory Stewart did in the Tory leadership.

Almost certainly, the nomination will go to Joe Biden, as the safe, obvious choice. Unfortunately, he's even less inspiring a choice that John Kerry was, and we all know how well that turned out. (And if you're reaction to the name John Kerry is, "who?" that rather proves my point. He was the guy who lost to George W. Bush when he ran for his second term. I never thought I'd be nostalgic for that presidency.)

The sad truth is that this is not going to be an election like any other, and the Democrats need to acknowledge that and act accordingly. And that being the case, there should be one and only one criterion for getting the nod: who is the person with the best chance of beating Trump?

Forget the search for the 'perfect' candidate in amongst the sea of minor variants. Forget the outlier candidate, who inspires his core but has no hope in the nation. Forget every other consideration except this: who is most likely to win? That's who you need to nominate, it's the person you all need to get behind, and you need to then provide them with the most compelling message you can.

Or just settle in for another four years of Trump.

1 comment:

Kezzie said...

Oh please, dear God, not another 4 years of Trump! Bring back Obama!