Tuesday, December 31, 2019

My Year in 2019

As we get to the end of 2019, I find myself not quite sure what to make of it. It has felt like a bit of an "in between" year - 2018 saw some big beginnings and endings, and we know that there are further big transitions coming, probably in 2020, but 2019 seemed mostly to be about anticipation. It's been an odd one.

Anyway, time for the traditional round-up...

My Year in... Blogging

In 2019 I formalised my sort-of goals from 2017 and 2018, and set myself a target of posting 120 times here and 60 times on the Imaginarium. I achieved that, so am fairly happy with it. However, I did find at times I was posting mostly for the sake of building a post count - the topics could perhaps have been a bit more inspired.

My Year in... Work

2019 had a really rocky start, to the extent that I seriously considered quitting several times in February. However, I eventually got to grips with my new project and the new technology (well, new to me), and was able to start making some significant impact, to the extent that the year has ended exceptionally well, and the year overall counts as a major success.

Which, if you had told me in February, I would not have believed, but am very glad of.

My Year in... Health

There has been no change here, so that's good.

My Year in... Gaming

Sadly, 2019 has been a let down on the gaming front. The work game continues apace, which is quite nice, and just enough to keep me in touch with the hobby, but it really doesn't scratch the itch. I can't see any prospect of 2020 being any better, for various reasons, but I'm inclined to consider 2021 to be a crucial year - if I don't get some 'real' gaming in by then it's probably time to consider that hobby ended.

My Year in... Band

This has been fine, but somewhat uninspiring. It does what I need it to do, but it doesn't do anything more than that.

My Year in... Resolutions

As always, the wrap-up of annual goals, and setting of goals for next year, are handled in another post.

My Year in... Travel

Unusually, we started this year in another country, celebrating Mum's birthday in France. We then added a second trip to France, for a week in the summer. That was nice, especially seeing Funsize spending time with her cousins.

My other ventures abroad were with work - a day trip to Amsterdam and back and a two-day trip to Copenhagen.

As a family, we took a few days holiday in Banff, and then made another trip to England - we spent a few days in Alnwick, just in time for it to get flooded, and then travelled further south for a belated 40th birthday party.

The major thing I wanted in most of 2019 was to avoid getting on a plane - 2018 had been crazy, and the start of 2019 was likewise quite busy, so I was keen not to go too far. But the last few months have given me a little cabin fever, so I'm keen to venture further afield at some point in 2020. Mostly, I want to see the sun!

My Year in... Faith

There's very little to report here. We've continued to settle in our new church. I had to turn down an opportunity to join one of the committees, as I felt I just didn't have the time. Funsize continues to be made extremely welcome.

I do find myself a little concerned about the numbers in the congregation, which seem to have dropped recently, and also about youth work, which is a permanent problem for much of the Church of Scotland. Though it is a fairly academic concern, since I really don't have the means to actually do anything to change it.

My Year in... Sadness

When Grandad passed in 2018, there was a glimmer of hope that this might give Grandma a hint of more life - so much of her life had been bound up in the care of his last days, so there was a hope it might be a burden lifted. Sadly, it was not to be, and Grandma fairly quickly went downhill quite steeply. That has been difficult to watch, even from afar, with no prospect of meaningful improvement.

My Year... Overall

As I said, this has felt very much like an "in between" year. We've moved forward from the big changes of 2018, but we also know that there are further big changes to come, so we've been kind of stuck. 2020 looks like it will probably be the year when those various changes actually come about, and so I expect it to be another very busy year. But, hopefully, it will be a good one.

As always, this will be my final post on this blog for the year, so I'll take the opportunity now to wish anyone still reading a very Happy New Year when it comes. Thanks for sticking with me!

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