Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Community Spirit

It's funny, but we've had more contact with our neighbours in the last few weeks than in the two years prior to that. Before you panic, I should note that that has been from a distance - we have of course been taking the necessary steps to reduce risks, both to ourselves and to others.

But about a week ago LC took round notes to the near neighbours giving out contact details and offering assistance in case of need. As a result of that we were invited to the neighbourhood Facebook group, and things have gone from there.

Last night, as part of the morale-boosting efforts, I was asked to play "Flower of Scotland" on the pipes at 8pm. Which was nice.

Of course, we're not the only people to be doing things like this - videos have circulated of people in Edinburgh singing "Sunshine on Leith", Italians belting out "Nessun Dorma", and so on. Suddenly, it does seem that we've started to step back from a very atomised society towards something more resembling communities again.

Even a pandemic, it seems, has a silver lining or two.

#13: "Heroes", by Stephen Fry

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