Tuesday, March 17, 2020


After a few weeks of speculation, we finally received the instruction that the office was closing. We're to work from home for the foreseeable future. (They've said until the end of April, but the reality is that that's likely to change.)

Funnily enough, I'm not sure that that will affect me all that much. Work have put a great deal of money into providing us with powerful tools for remote working, so this should just be a case of actually using them. In which case, the major impact will be that I won't have to commute each morning.

(In practice, it won't be just so easy: on the days when LC and FS are at home, being able to isolate myself in order to work will be a challenge. And I'm far from convinced that the schools and/or nursery are going to remain open. But given how fast everything is changing, there's not much benefit in speculating.)

Anyway, it's something of a relief to have the decision finally made - it's been a case of knowing that this was coming, but not knowing exactly when. Now that it's done, we can start to adapt.

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