Sunday, March 29, 2020

Theme of the Month: Wrap Up

We're now pretty much at the end of the month, and so it's time to consider how I did on my theme of the month, which this time was "catch up".

It actually went pretty well:
  • On the topic of weight loss, there's some good news for a change - at the last weigh-in I had actually managed to hit my nominal target for this point in the year. Huzzah!
  • Likewise, on the topic of work the rot has been stopped and I'm now back where I would like to be.
  • And on this blog, and also on the Imaginarium, I'm essentially back on target.
  • The one area that isn't so good is the reading target. For one brief, shining moment I was actually bang on target... but that lasted all of 24 hours before I was behind again. Basically, "Heroes" by Stephen Fry took me much longer to get through than expected (as, incidentally, did "Mythos"). "The Stone Diaries" is likewise proving a challenge. So I'm likely to end the month further behind than I started, which is unfortunate.
Still, I'm actually pretty happy with progress from this month - one goal may have slipped, but I'm in a much better position on all the others.

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