Sunday, April 05, 2020

Theme of the Month: A Knigdom of Isolation

It should probably go without saying that the major fact of this month is the ongoing lockdown. The government are set to review it in a couple of weeks, but I can't imagine that they won't renew it (and then renew it again - I can't see this ending before mid-May at the earliest). The Knigdom of Steph/vonia remains in sparkling isolation.

I remain determined not to comment on the actions of the government (any of them) at this time, despite sore provocation - there are many things I would normally want to say, but now is not the time. Instead, expect to see some musings on how we're getting on, on the topic of home working (and especially emergency home working), on our food supplies, and indeed the progress of my quarantine beard.

And, as I said before, I wish you the very best of luck as this grinds on. It's going to be a tough time, but unfortunately it looks like the alternatives are considerably worse.

#14: "The Stone Diaries", by Carol Shields (a book from The List)

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