Monday, April 27, 2020

The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance

One of the great pleasures of the subscription model for TV is that it gives access to a whole slate of shows that you might never actively seek out, and certainly wouldn't pay for, but that you might consider on the basis "why not?" Much of these are dross, of course, but every so often you come across a gem.

"The Dark Crystal" is a film I'd actually never seen until recently. To be honest, I don't really consider that much of a loss - there's a lot of really clever world-building there, but the plot is somewhat lacking.

I therefore approached "Age of Resistance" with a degree of trepidation. After all, not only is it a prequel to a film that didn't wow me, it's a prequel, which is never a good sign. And the very first episode was essentially more of the same: lots of great world-building, but...

Ah, but... After that first episode it gets better. And then it gets better, and better...

We're now five episodes into the first season, and I've just seen that there is indeed going to be a season 2, which is excellent news.

So, count this as a recommendation. And a further recommendation for the DMs out there: take notes!

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