Thursday, May 04, 2023

Roll Over

We've hit a fun new phase.

Surprise! is still not quite at the stage where he will sleep through the night. He seems to be getting better, but it remains the case that at some point in the night he will start crying and come into bed with us.

However, in the last couple of weeks Funsize seems to have also started to suffer from disturbed sleep, and in particular from nightmares. As a consequence of this, she wakes up and comes through to us as well. (Plus, I rather suspect she's milking it somewhat - her brother comes through, so she wants to as well.) The upshot of all of this is that quite often we've ended up with all four of us in our bed, and while it's a big bed it's really not big enough.

Unfortunately, this has left me trying to sleep while balanced on the edge of the bed or, more recently, simply giving up and retreating into Funsize's bedroom, switching off the unicorn nightlight, and trying to get some sleep. It's not ideal, but when they all roll over, one falls out.

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