Saturday, July 31, 2021

Experimental Cookery 2021: Barbecued Meatball and Mozzarella Sub

Tonight we tried our second meal from Tom Kerridge's "Outdoor Cooking", which was pretty much just his version of Subway's best item. On the face of it, there's nothing much to this - meatballs cooked in a tomato sauce and then dropped into a roll, wrapped, and then grilled.

But that is to do a disservice to what was a really great meal. Although there's nothing much to preparing meatballs, it is worth noting that tonight's meatballs were the best we've had - whenever we have them in future this will be my go-to set of ingredients. And the sauce was the perfect mix of rich and hot. Add the cheese and the bread, and it's just a winner.

We'll definitely have this again. But I do think I'll tweak it in a couple of ways - the main one being to try to get the bread more toasted and less soggy. That's probably just a matter of increasing the heat of the BBQ somehow. The only other change I would make is to the quantity - we had one and a half subs each, and that was probably a bit much. I think we'd probably be better with just one each, and possibly a salad or something on the side.

But those are quibbles. This was a really good meal from what is turning out to be a really good book. Recommended.

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