Friday, July 30, 2021

The Next Doctor

So Jodie Whittaker and, more importantly, Chris Chibnall are leaving "Doctor Who". I wish I was more disappointed by the news, but I'm afraid I'm not - Thirteen, like Six, has been let down really badly by the material and the sooner, and more thoroughly, we move on from this era the better. It's a shame that this means that the first female Doctor hasn't been handled well, but oh well.

The obvious question then turns to: who next?

And for that I have a fairly simple answer: it pretty much has to be Jo Martin. That's the best chance to undo the vandalism that has been done to the show in the last series - explain that the Master was wrong/lying/mad and that the entire story he was weaving is a big pile of mince. Instead, the "memories" Thirteen uncovered of Doctor Ruth were actually echoes of her future self... and then never mention it again.

It also really helps that Jo Martin has experience playing the role and has done well. It would mean shifting to a significantly different take on the character... but after the last few incarnations someone with a more sober demeanour might be refreshing.

That's what I think, anyway.

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